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Hi, I'm Liv.

I'm a Master in Happiness — literally — help me help you learn the science behind happiness, and implement actionable tools in your life, and at work, to LIV Happier. 

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Our mission

We're here to help you learn why employee happiness matters, how to cultivate it, and how to sustain it. Employee happiness is more than just a feel-good factor; it's a critical component of a thriving workplace and a key driver of organizational success.


By prioritizing employee happiness and well-being, organizations can create a positive work environment where employees thrive, leading to improved performance, retention, and ultimately, a stronger bottom line. 


I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with my bachelor's in Communications, and certificates in Entrepreneurship, and Leadership. After years of working in various marketing roles, including B2B, and go-to-market environments, I discovered the world of happiness studies. This spring I graduated with my Masters of Arts in Happiness Studies from Centenary University as part of the first cohort in the World. I am actively working toward my Applied Positive Psychology Coaching (APPC) Skills Certification, recognized by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Long story not so short (but it's worth it, I promise)

Born and raised in Wisconsin, I grew up riding horses which led to years of competing at a national level and securing multiple World Champion titles in the American Quarter Horse circuit. I lived a life of privilege in many ways, but that didn't spare me from tragedy and loss. At 12 years old, I lost my father to suicide. At such a young age, I didn't even know where to begin on processing the loss I experienced, so as we many of us do, I put my focus elsewhere—I dug into school. After years of excelling at school, and my sport, I landed myself a D1 scholarship to ride on the Women's Equestrian team at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.

Fast forward a few years (and schools) later, my junior year of college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I found myself struggling because this time, my mom's health was in danger. She had lost most of her hearing, was declared legally blind, and suffered insurmountable nerve damage, causing serious neuropathy. These health complications significantly changed my moms life, and my own, along with the rest of my family members. This, like the loss of my father, was a moment of adversity that truly tested my resilience. 


One year later after graduating with my bachelor's, I moved to Dallas, Texas wanting to establish myself in a familiar city, and landed a position working for an in-house marketing team within the tech industry. Moving to a new city in 2020 should have come with a disclaimer. Like the rest of the world, the pandemic shifted the way I viewed everything, including my career. I began to question my purpose and every step along the way. In 2022, I stumbled across a Master of Arts in Happiness Studies and thought to myself, who wouldn't want to learn how to become happier?


Once I was accepted into the program (the first ever in the World), I quickly realized that I had found a gem. In 2023 I attended my first World Happiness Summit (WOHASU) in Lake Como, Italy, and attended my second WOHASU in London, 2024. Both summits were incredible experiences to network with other professionals in the industry, and to learn from global experts. But, I couldn't I help but notice one common theme among the keynote speakers: 1. They almost all talked about their 'a-ha moments of burnout' and 2. They were C-suite executives who had already climbed their way to the top. At both summits, I thought to myself, how can I achieve my career aspirations without the 'a-ha' moment of burnout, and how can I help the new generation entering the workforce build a toolkit that prevents burnout and prioritizes people.


And from that moment on I'm living my purpose: LIV Happier.



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